

Q: When a chip gets popped what happens to it?

A: it gets pooped out of the bag

Jack and Jill went up the hill so the can fetch some pee jack fell down and broke his whole body Jill just laughed and didn’t care so now they have a daughter

Pls like this I worked hard on making jokes I even have app that u can see all of my jokes but I am not telling u hehe.

Ur forehead is so big that ur name is Humpty Dumpty the big forehead.

Ur forehead is soo big that I can’t even see ur hairline and ur stupid forehead face.

I think ur hairline might have the hiccups

Answer to it:u might have do give a wash in the shower

I bet ur hairline gose inside ur private part and ur girlfriend can’t even touch it

The orphan can’t play soccer because he doesn’t know where home and a school and to dumb to learn

The mom and left the child because they were famous and rich like rich monkeys

Why dose the orphan can’t write a single word or sentence

Because the orphan is dumber

A big guy told the small gu do u want a little pill Because u look ill or should I smash u

I went to a store to get milk but when I got home there was million cows waiting for milk so they killed me

Mia’s mother has 5 kids Lilly abby Alexa mila and.... Q: who is last A: Mia Knock knock who’s there little old lady little old lady who little old lady you don’t need to yodel about it