

if a toy from toy story died, the kid wouldn't know and the other toys would just have to watch as their kid played with the corpse


"Just say no to drugs!" well, if i'm talking to my drugs, i probably already said yes

(wait, forgot about the 3rd third thing) i have said this countless times but it doesnt seem to be getting through to u; quit hating on particular jokes. U dont like it? Nobody cares. Dont go into the morbid jokes category u idiots ffs

bruh ppl always makin jokes bout how their dad left, well in my story it was the mum that needed milk

I have two things i wanna say: 1. when ppl swear stop taking it so fucking literally. if someone calls u a bitch, they're not calling u a female dog. if they call u a cunt, they're not calling u a woman's private part, they r calling u either an idiot, scaredy cat/baby or something along those lines. ffs 2. wtf