

Then I went over and told my parents about it. They didn't believe me. Then when I was walking one day I saw him having sex with my friend allisa and shes (15) (mind you my brother is 23!) I kick his butt and Alyssa grabs my arm. My brother grabs my other arm and goes to some tree's. Then he takes my clothes off again and starts slapping my butt. Then he puts his dick in my butt and rape's me. Alyssa slaps my stomach sevral times. My brother then punches my stomach HARSHLY 34 times. When I went to the doctor to check on my baby he said it had died. I came over to my brothers house and slapped him at least 8 times. "You killed my baby!" I yelled repeatevly. He grabbed me and lizard kissed me then he got arrested the next week-

One time I was in my apartment showing my brother. He looked at me and said "I bet you'd be a great sucker." I stared at him puzzled. "Hmm?" I say he takes his clothes off and I grab a towel and chuck it at him I glare at him. He takes the towel and puts it over my head, then he grabs my leg and drags me over to the couch. He takes MY clothes off and starts to have sex with me. He forces me to suck his dick, (I do it) then he squishes my boobs and lizard kisses them. Then he deep throats me. And now I'm pregnant and my baby's husband is MY BROTHER. Second part to be continued-

Hi people, I'm alice and I'm lookin' for a boyfrind! Wanna be that boyfriend? Say so in the comments!!!!