Thereness Jokes

One day a teacher stands up in front of her class and asks if anyone in the class is an idiot, and says that if there is one then he/she should stand up. After a minute a boy stands up.

The teacher then asks the boy if he actually thinks he's an idiot.

The boy says, "No, I just didn't want to see you standing there all by yourself."


Father: I’m taking your toys to the orphanage. Child: But why? Father: So you won’t be bored. You’re going to need them there.

You walk into a mcdonalds and you ask for some extra mayo and they put to much on there. I say I didn't order a Mc cumshot


So there I was, having a fantastic time going down on my nan When suddenly I got a nasty taste in my mouth.

"Wait a minute" I said. This distinctly tastes like horse semen

Then it clicked. "Ah, so that's how you died"


A man walks into a bar, he takes a seat and asks the barmen if he wanted to hear a blonde joke, the barmen replies before you tell this joke I want to tell you something, see the women over there, she is a black belt in karate, she's blonde , see the bouncer over there he is also a blonde, see the chick over there with that pool que she is also blonde, also I have a shotgun behind the bar i'm blonde, so do you still want to tell your joke? He replies f**k that I ain't explaining the joke 4 times.

Knock, Knock. Who's there? Dave. Dave who? Dave proceeds to break into tears as his grandmother's Alzheimers has progressed to the point where she can no longer remember him


What is an orphan's least favorite movie

Spider-Man, Because it told them there was no way home

Look I didn't hit rock bottom I gracefully floated down there like Mary Poppins with an umbrella.

whats the difference between an emo and an apple? the apple falls to the ground while the emo just hangs there