

Comments (7)

Now which one of you who does the same thing as me put two thumbs downs in my thing #DemonSlayerForLife #AlsoLikePokémon #Don’tDoThatToMeAgainOrYou’llGetA Whooping #KillYou

This is me eight year old Madisyn I am eating my noodles delicious

My favorite color is green I like to eat noodles and pizza and I like spending time with my sister Makenna my mom Christina and my dad Tommy both take care of us but sometimes Yell at us too but I am glad to tell jokes with you even if you be mean to me so have a good day or should I say on the other side of the world have a good night in my favorite football team is the Steelers Pittsburgh and I’ll give you a picture right now they are cool football players and my dad and my sister like them too my mom and the Buccaneers fan boo for the Buccaneers boo-boo boo

I’m Pokémon trainer just don’t listen to the M