hey gwen, listen, i know your on this app. fake or not. I love you either way. please, find this faker and finish her off for whats she's done, real Gwen.
*your a real best Gwen*
hey gwen, listen, i know your on this app. fake or not. I love you either way. please, find this faker and finish her off for whats she's done, real Gwen.
*your a real best Gwen*
Uh...what? 🫥
well and you have to do it tomorrow I can do it on my phone I can get a ride to work for a bit of an old one and then we will head to bed early and get a few things to get for you and I will get you the link to your place and get a few things to get for you and I will get you the link to your place and get a few things to get for you and I will get you the link to your place and get a few things to get for you and I will get you the link to your place and get a few things to get for you and your
Addison banks more like DAT ASS
Y’know OP, in most parts of the world,” finish her off” can be taken as a threat
Pedo pedo pedo pedophilia