People who don't have common sense are just stupid people with ugly hearts. STOP HATING PEOPLE YOU NEVER KNOW! Also write "then exit the f word site" and I think we know that won't happen !!!
I L.O.V.E GWEN!!!!!!
People who don't have common sense are just stupid people with ugly hearts. STOP HATING PEOPLE YOU NEVER KNOW! Also write "then exit the f word site" and I think we know that won't happen !!!
I L.O.V.E GWEN!!!!!!
she is 40 years old
y r ppl saying that? Gwen is not! She is 11! She is a kid who come on here for jokes. Stop amusming things that are not true. I don't know gwen and I she never lies, also kids like jokes this is also for kids!!
Kenya Bailey
i can tell gwen 11 i think she is ab to turn 12
Girl with the axe
idk gwen but ppl need to shut up!
it prob just some person just wanting jokes rather she is an adult woman or a kid no need to get all fucked up ab one person who never botherd you!
ok im srry gwen
Addison Banks age (9)
I agree with Aiden, stop assuming things that are not true, but we do not know completely, but if it is not true, do not say it. She is a girl who just wants to make jokes and spread kindness. I bet some of the people who say these things may be 40 years old. I am a girl who loves drama but not stupid foolish drama. I am literally in alert and if people say that I am only an 89 year old man then they are liars. The only reason I come here is reason 1. I can't use Facebook so I post stuff and we
idk even care enough but all i know is i started using this site and then ppl started talking ab a person named "gwen" for no reason, i saw comments and i looked through all post but nothing came up ab what happend ther just stupid old bullies! eye roll altho i feel super sad for the person named gwen!
All you guys are the same person...8 comments in 11 minutes on a 20 hour old post hmmmmm
Akeld be quiet
prince/ mr tallie
What is wrong with 8 comments? That sounds cool!
Addison Banks age (9)
Ok, I admit it's me. Won't I know who Aiden is? But I am Carlasha. Just Carlasha. I don't really like the people on this site.
Addison Banks age (9)
an others
Addison Banks age (9)
WAIT BUT WHY DOES UR SAY 1 hour to? hmmmmmmm
Addison Banks age (9)
HA NOT!!!!!
akeld be quiet. how about this get ur facts right and leave people alone for once.