The Miracle Pregnancy

Father O'Reilly ran into a young woman whose mother attended his church at the market. "Ah, Mary Agnes, congratulations!"

She gave him a puzzled look. "On what?"

"Your mother tells me you've been praying to St. Gerard and finally got pregnant, it's a miracle."

Mary Agnes sighed. "My mother needs to get hearing aids if she's going to eavesdrop on my phone calls to friends. I said it'll be a miracle if I get pregnant since the only thing I'm fucking is a St. Bernard."




The humor comes from a misunderstanding. Father O'Reilly thinks Mary Agnes is pregnant because of her prayers to St. Gerard. However, she actually meant it'd be a miracle if she got pregnant given she's only intimate with her St. Bernard dog. The punchline uses a shocking, unexpected, and vulgar twist that involves bestiality which creates the surprise and humor.

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