

Comments (39)

Yo mama's so stupid, she put airbags on her computer in case it crashed.

Yo mama's so ugly, her birth certificate is an apology letter

Yo mama's so poor, she can't even afford to pay attention.

Yo mama's so stupid, when I told her that she lost her mind, she went looking for it

Yo mama's so stupid, she got locked in the grocery store and starved to death.

Yo mama so stupid, she got locked in a mattress store and slept on the floor.

ama so dumb, she went to the library to find Facebook.

Yo mama so old, she knew Burger King when he was a prince.

Yo mama so fat, even Dora can’t explore her.

Yo mama so ugly, she walked into a Haunted House and walked back out with a job application.

Yo mama so old that they didn’t teach history when she was in school.

Yo mama so fat that her high school photo was a double page spread.

Yo mama has so many warts that her face spells “ugly” in Braille.

Yo mama so ugly that she had to do Picture Day facing the wall.

Yo mama so fat that her middle school photos had to be taken from a helicopter.

Yo mama so short that the only picture you have of her is under a microscope.

Yo mama so tall that she tripped in California and fell in Oklahoma.

Yo mama so hot she breathes fire.

Yo mamas teeth so yellow she spits butter.

Yo mama so black she sweats soy sauce.

Yo mama so black that she could show up to a funeral naked.

Yo mama so black that when she wears yellow lipstick, she looks like a cheeseburger.

Yo mama so black that when she went to night school she got marked absent.

Yo mama so white she got a tan by watching the microwave.

Yo mama so white that she could show up to her own wedding naked.

Yo mama so white that when she went to school she was often marked absent.

Yo mama so white that when you turn off the lights you can still see her.

Yo mama so white that she blinded the angels.

Yo mama so white that an arctic fox fell in love with her.

Yo mama so black that she bleeds smoke.

Yo mama so white she bleeds snow.

Yo mama so fat even a black hole cant cuck her