

Comments (37)

what is going on lol

Soo... i'm the most confused I've evr been.

Lol I dunno

freshfry is a jerk

I'm mad, and hurt, and my back is rly hurting lol

ikr this is what i deal with everyday lol

same but also add the butterflyies and happy with you lol

Why is life so stinkin' complicated?

You're a good friend Alya.

i feel like we have met before but not at all its strange lol

but...I needa eat in a minute

your an awsome friend!

i need to go in a minute but I don't want to leave

what time can you talk tmmrow * wink *

dont know why i added the wink lol

one o-clock eastern time maybe?

If your free, lol

Me and Tina need to work things out though.

Eww theres S jokes sooo not funny..

ik i can talk at 8 ( in the morning ) I need my beauty sleep!ok well see you then, I gtg bye miss you every second!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

aW me too Bye

good bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

why is it so hard for me to leave lol

ok now bye missing you already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LOl me to! Bye Alya

Bye!! me Too missing you so much Alya! Can't wait to see you tommorow I might not be able to be on 8:00 in the morning sadly

Byee, gotta eat dinner :CCCC

ok! just type here when you can talk :D