

Comments (49)

This may not work tonight...

oh ok it ok and heyyyy

it ok i get it we can do it whenever x sem april 30th because it my bday and I busy march 11th

gn then um qwen

Oh no, Sorry about that my blasted parents keep tellin' me I've got chores so late at night I can sneak this when I'm in bed, 30 mins maybe, if not then gn.

no i good we can talk to tmr don't stay it not good for you friend and uh am here for just know that

and wwe can stay up if you want

So am I. I'm in bed and they are still clueless! HA!

haha same i have hide so many things from them like my cuts... but ya

Wow! do u sneak off at night? and what devise do u use? mines a laptop!

i fake sleep hide the thing am on if tv turn the tv if as fast as I can but a thing like a phone put under my pillow and fake sleep easy

Yea same. my parents only have my laptop at night and it is to listen to music is what they think. And I'm also taking "naps" but its really fake and when they come in, boom I'm dead asleap!

ya i listen to music a lot, haha you should listen to falling by Trever daniel or dollhouse it relates to my family it called dollhouse by Melanie Martinez

Haha My mom downloaded Itunes and thinks I listen to that, and sometimes she asks me if i was listening to music, I say yes, but she's clueless it's tiktok!

haha lucky one fun fact about me i watch anime

and i got done with one so yay and another fun fact about me l love to cuddle

Same here, cuddling

sneaks up on you cuddles

u callin me cuddles? lol

nah i wanted cuddles that why

Same. if only

ya onilne cuddles haha oh and can you smile for me just ones plz

yay *kiss check am happy for life now :)

I wanna give u a big fat kiss on the mouth right now!

hahah really well i couldn't same for you huh shortie i have fallen for you oof

Same. btw, look at the other comments

ok i will i saw am still taller shortie

Good, fialy someone taller. (rats)

hahah so know i get to tease you shortie haha

Ok ok go ahead. :)

haha reallythat good for my sid

yea i bet it is lol

Oh well it's worth it

i will be back in a hour because or less then that I need to go home haha see ya later love but if you sleep I understand kisses a lot bte see ya maybe if you r up

i'm going too bed now see u in the morning gn love you

ok gn love kisses for head s ya tmr i just be here for little you know hang around

Ok well it's like 2:50am and I'm like bored to tears....

hahah so was but then i was watching anime hahah at like 3:00 clock in the moring

I know I sound like a m*ther f*cking b*tch but wtf is amine??? (pardon my language)

it good it like a Japanese cartoon that what it is like search um hunter x hunter that anime so ya search it up