The Lawyer Solution

You find yourself stuck in a hole with a murderer, a rapist, and a lawyer. You're armed, but you only have 2 bullets left. What do you do?

Shoot the lawyer. Twice.




This joke plays on the stereotype of lawyers being untrustworthy and disliked. The setup is that you're in a dangerous situation and have to choose between three criminals. The punchline implies that the lawyer is the worst of the bunch, warranting both bullets.

Comments (12)

shoot the murderer then the rapist and beat the shit out of the lawer

Shoot the lawyer and the murderer, then have hot sex with the rapist

Okay it took me a while to get the joke

I'd line them up and get a triple kill

Nah just shoot the Lawyer and the Rapist!.... then you and the Murderer can spend the rest of the time making jokes about how they look right before they died! lmao!

Or shoot the Rapist and the Murderer then ask the Lawyer to help you get out of the Hole you're in! get it? -just hand him 1k bucks up front! rest when you're out!

I'm assuming the joke was that the lawyer was all three or something like that