A man is meeting a client in Japan, but arrives a day early. When night hit, he went out with a prostitute. They're having sex, but the prostitute kept shouting "Fuji, Fuji, Fuji!", so the man thinks he's doing a good job. The next day, the man meets his client and they go golfing, and the client gets a hole in one. The man praises him by going "Fuji, Fuji, Fuji!". His client turns around confused and says, "What do you mean wrong hole!?"
The Wrong Hole
The joke plays on a misunderstanding. The man thinks 'Fuji' is a term of pleasure or praise during sex with the prostitute, when it's actually the name of the famous mountain. So when his client scores a hole in one, the man repeats what he thinks is praise, which leads to the client's bewildered response about a 'wrong hole'. The humor comes from the double meaning of the word 'hole'.