

Comments (32)

not funny

Si prega di astenersi dall'essere cattivo sul mio server

12 additional comments

envus is good pls subscribe envus and follow envuswf pls bro he goo bro just do it bro is good please bro just do it please even though i am autistic u dont have to be autistic to know that envus is good streamer he deserves it man envus is good envus envus envus envus envus envus envus envus envus envus envus envus envus envus envus envus envus envus envus envus envus envus envus envus envus envus envus envus envus envus envus envus envus envus envus envus envus envus envus envus envus envus

THIS IS THE ABSOLUTE MOST FUNNY FUCKING JOKE IVE HEARD IN MY LIFE HOLY SHIT I HAVE TO USE THIS BUT I HAVE TO TELL YOU SOMETHING I’m must Admit lol really everything about dis, you’re Too radical and cronky ehehehh rIP

(read the first letter of every sentence)

Envus'twtch changed to EnvusFRNZY

islilbenny is retard

I think the stanky leg is really cool dance move and when it is combined with the simultaneous whip and nae nae (made by Matpat) can make an amazing dance move that i have called the naenky whip. I have put a link to a YouTube video has an amazing portrayal of happy minion demonstrating the mental and physical happiness that the naenky whip can express. I want to spread all the happy that i got when i first experienced when i found the naenky whip.

this comment section was written by 2 complete idot losers lmao