German Sparkling Water Origin

Did you know that Germany came up with sparkling water?

Who else would think of adding gas?




This joke plays on the dark history of Germany using gas in a morbid way. It suggests that because of this history, they might be the only ones who would think to add gas to water, implying a sinister connection between historical actions and everyday things.

Comments (17)

Hey I’m German! That doesn’t mean I ever worked with hitler... I’m a proud Canadian

Ur Mom is my bitch and she can suck better than my damn vacumesdni;sfeanl;sdfnl;sfenuofa[

Ha I deed Nazi Zat Caming

Dumb f*** it was made in the UK

You don't have to ruin the joke

another r/woooosh material here

This is fucked up but hay it is funny who cares

6ix9ine, if this joke offends you then your comment offends me. I'm part British.

i choked haha

I said a glass of juice not gas the jews!