Dying Jokes

every single person on the plane died exept for 2 how is that posible?

It seid all the single people died the 2 were a couple. Thats how it was possible

hey wake um I just mured you family but I live alone then who are these people in your house they are people in my house well not any more dum bitch you welcome you could have died

Did you know that if you die you can still be apart of family game night!! all you have to do is have your family cremate you and put you in an hour glass and the games that uses hour glasses well you will be apart of family game night.

Did you hear about the man who died of a Viagra overdose? They couldn't close the casket.

Farrah Fawcertt, upon arriving at the pearly gates, god asked her, for having lead such an honest life, to grant her one wish. Farrah simply requested that the children of the world would be safe. Five hours later, Michel Jackson died.