Dying Jokes

My girlfriend's dog died, so to cheer her up I went out and got her an identical one. She went mad, "What am I going to do with two dead dogs?"

Don’t you hate it when your teacher(s) say, “just focus, it’s that easy”

And then you die inside

A kid had school today. He was late every single day. He said in his mind, I wish I can go to school again. What happened? Its obvious...... He died :)

When I die, I want to die like my grandfather who died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car.

Yesterday i saw an orphan walking down the street. I asked him if he was ok. He said no so i asked him if he needed help. And he said yes so i let him in my car and said dont worry you’ll be home with you parents soon. He said my parents died. I said i know.

Kid 1: Guys, stop making 9-11 jokes. My dad died in 9-11. Kid 2: Sorry, I didn't know. Kid 1: He was the best fighter pilot in all of Saudi Arabi.

What do emo boys and emo girls have in common they both wanna die and cut so they can die faster but they are already dead already dead to me!

A guy was dying after getting stabbed in a church.he said to the priest please say a prayer for me and the priest said ‘I ain’t got nun left’ then he died

if anyone ever makes a time machine, please make a bunker for Hitler/the Nazis and send them to 2050. I want to see who would die first, future us or them.

mom tells her son to go to the other kid to walk to the kid just standing still to clap so the kid can hear and move out of the way of the car(but her son was blind the other kid had no legs so he couldn't walk and the kid has no arms so he couldn't clap and the kid died because he couldn't hear he was deaf)

guy1:hey can you stop making 9 11 jokes my dad died during it guy2:sorry i will stop what was your dad guy1:the pilot he saw a kfc and wanted it so well you know