

Comments (182)

I get to have more animals (that sounded wrong) and my parentsโ€™ partners are cool

And when visiting my father I get to be walked on at 3AM by his cat so thatโ€™s a big plus

What kind of attention-seeking bullshit is this?

Nobody gives a shit.

Your random bullshit ass questions are one of the reasons why this site is dying.

And I can do whatever the fuck I want. This is public post dumbass. You donโ€™t get privacy.

Oh itโ€™s you again.

You gonna start bitching about murder again?

Hello Cosmo.

Man up and deal with it? Who the fuck do you think you are?

Donโ€™t hesitate to talk to Aleshia if it ever gets too stressful.


Man up and deal with it? Who the fuck do you think you are?

You have no father.

I can still comment on this post if I want to.

I can say and do whatever I want, I donโ€™t give a fuck if you care or not.

ึ†ษ›ศถษฆ - ๐•Š๐•„๐”พ



Comment deleted by ึ†ษ›ศถษฆ - ๐•Š๐•„๐”พ

Fucking attention-seeking overdramatic twats.

She would probabaly understand if you changed your mind.


Fucking attention-seeking overdramatic twats.

Drop that addy kid.


Fucking attention-seeking overdramatic twats.

Dude, chill!

Nobody cares about your bitching.

Youโ€™re just seeking attention and validation since your life sucks. We all have our own problems, we all have our own shit to deal with. We donโ€™t care about your problems.

You morons make 3 posts a day bitching about your life.


Youโ€™re just seeking attention and validation since your life sucks. We all have our own problems, we all have our own shit to deal with. We donโ€™t care about your problems.

I'm seeking help while your digging in your own shit

What kind of comeback was that? You think youโ€™re clever?

CosmoIogist interntobe

wassup ingen

Ayyy cosmo! Never see you on the weekends.

Youโ€™ve got jack shit.

is this bitch muse acting up again

shit i gotta take a shower now bye guys!

๐‘บ๐’๐’†๐’†๐’‘๐’š ๐’Œ๐’Š๐’•๐’•๐’š แกฃ๐ญฉ

Hello rosie.

Hello Tired(?) Puppy(?) Tired Puppy?

You gonna bitch about your murder thoughts again? Attention-seeking fuck.

Make me fucker.

And I just want you to shut up and stop bitching about your fucking problems. Nobody gives a shit. Itโ€™s the reason this fucking site is dying. Itโ€™s turning into a therapy site.

You canโ€™t even have a normal post without bitching about suicide or some random bullshit.

This is the first bitching post Iโ€™ve seen from you.

So you arenโ€™t the worst.

But your fucking friend over here..

You are an attention-seeking fuck.

I feel bad for poor fucking Alastor that has to put up with your bullshit.

This isnโ€™t a therapy site. Itโ€™s a fucked up joke site.

This is isnโ€™t a place for you kids to bitch about suicide.

Do that somewhere else.

Iโ€™ve been on this site for a while, and itโ€™s 10x worst now because you fucks donโ€™t shut up about your bitching.

Nobody gives a shit that you want to kill yourself. Your skewing attention and validation. Some random fucker on the internet that says they love you and that you matter so you donโ€™t end your life.

Your bullshit is the reason this site is dying.

You over here having fucking murder thoughts and canโ€™t even control your weak ass mind isnโ€™t fucked up?

You fucking retards.

Dumbass kids.

๐‘บ๐’๐’†๐’†๐’‘๐’š ๐’Œ๐’Š๐’•๐’•๐’š แกฃ๐ญฉ

how long is a girls throat?

Stop asking questions like this

Your throat is connected to your digestive system which technically spread out over a very long distance

And besides body proportions depend on the person they belong to

Feet Lust [TheUsedFleshlightConnoisseur]
