

Comments (44)

What's happened man why you 2.0 now?

Yet there are child groomers lurking around. They get ignored.

Aw man at least you're back


Aw man at least you're back

I’m not sure.

β„‘π”ͺ π”šπ”¦π”±π”₯ 𝔖𝔱𝔲𝔭𝔦𝔑

rememeber me?

You an alt?

Dagger 2.0

Remember the shit with Shaylie?

Yeah I can tell you now I'm not one of those child groomera

We getting too many weirdos?

Yall getting banned for saying racist crap tho?

I imagine cuz it's in the community tho if it was a published joke it might be different, I reckon there's community guide lines here now

Get people to joint that?

Alright nice seeing you again man

β„‘π”ͺ π”šπ”¦π”±π”₯ 𝔖𝔱𝔲𝔭𝔦𝔑

be on tmrw zephry?

Can do same time?

I'm only on now and again I've got a job now but I'll see if I can make is a big social spot

β„‘π”ͺ π”šπ”¦π”±π”₯ 𝔖𝔱𝔲𝔭𝔦𝔑

ttyl man

Be safe man