

I am a mess. I embarrased myself too much, and now, its too late. I can't sleep because I am too worried and scared about what will happen next I just wanna dig a hole and bury myself That's how embarassed I feel I am devestated, and now, I can't talk to anyone without being reminded of this. I can't fix things up with people, even if I tried. Although it may not seem like it, I am working on being a better person. I just can't impress anyone It seems like everybody have each other's backs and I am the lone wolf Left to wander around on my own, with no defense. I am afraid for tomorrow, and what I will face.

Comments (6)

Comment deleted by Everyone's Guardian Angel
Chunke Monke 🍌[πŸ™ˆπŸ™‰πŸ™ŠπŸ’] 🍌

who asked, ya, exactly

what do you want?