

Comments (94)

you know those take one buckets :4

So the bucket was half full

And on the front it specifically said TAKE ONE CANDY

It's no longer full cause of me and jr

you're dating a criminal love ;)

I found one of those bug juice drinks laying in somebody's yard, so I stole that too

I haven't had one in 8 years




dude i got so much 100 grain candy things.. they taste horrible.

Weren't you the guy who replied ew. To when chxl said I love you, goodnight?

I refer to everyone as guy

it was on my recomended..

sorry charlie for being a bitch to u

ik i did, but ur not innocent either charlie.

i just dont wanna hold any tensions on the website.

yeah and that wasnt okay.

i felt very betrayed bc of the whole incident with ethan.

ofc, js lmk when ur ready okay?

My phones being buggy asf

As late as I can btw

˗ˏ π‘€π’Άπ“Ž ➴ ΛŠΛ—

Fletcher how late u staying up

I thought I pressed reply

Idk I don't really feel guilt

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i know how you feel angel, theres no need to apologize btw

its hard to change what ur already used to, especially when u cant help it

and sorry for butting in im gonna leave

Oh yeah yesterday