

Comments (283)

Don't worry about it


I am oddly funny to women

Comment deleted by fleperd

Natural highs do in fact exist

Our body produces thc

Comment deleted by ˗ˏ 𝑀𝒶𝓎 ➴ ˊ˗

Some mfs crush it up and put the packet in and eat it

I'm hopping on roblox

I bully kids on it

i wanna play that but i dont have roblox on my phone

damn its ok you'll get one soon

fuck i have to work soon

˗ˏ 𝑀𝒶𝓎 ➴ ˊ˗

i dont want one tbh..

why not

yeah i get that when i first got my phone when i was 11 i was on that 24/7 but now i just nap or watch tv instead of being on my phone all day everyday

i mean im still on just not as often

if i am its just to text my friends or call my family

yeah before it was rlly bad

yeah i wish i did to

so hows your day going?

lucky i have to get ready for work

ok im be gone for like 10 mins bc i gotta drive and i dont text and drive


ok im be gone for like 10 mins bc i gotta drive and i dont text and drive

W Winnie driving safely

turns out i dont work today

so i got dressed for nothing

and nobody called me and told me oh hey you dont need to come in today

they didnt even update my schedule

so i didnt even know

and now im pissed off

i work at a bowling alley

but i just got hired to work at appex so ima quit soon

you know what ima quit rn ima call these bitches and quit hold up

they said ok your paycheck will be sent to your mail soon

i start at appex on tuesday

dont grow up to fast it sucks workin

have you watched the new barbie movie?

its not im watching it rn

yeah its really good

˗ˏ 𝑀𝒶𝓎 ➴ ˊ˗

I think hes mad at me..

well did u do anything to him?

˗ˏ 𝑀𝒶𝓎 ➴ ˊ˗

I didnt come out of hideing when he told meh to

oh but thats not a good reason to get mad

Yo I added you and fletcher

Jake ツ

Yo I added you and fletcher

jake im pissed off rn

so i drove 10 mins to go to work and come to find out i wasnt working today

i used to work at a fucking bowling alley but i just quit

i got another job at appex

Idk what that is but cool

its a trampoline park

yeah i start on tuesday

Did you see my friend request

have to been so tired that you cant sleep

With the freakin eboy hair lmao


thats how i am rn


Have you played Horrific Housing

Duuuude it’s the best

Pretty much all I play even though I’m never on lmao

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have yall ever thought abt dieing?

me too i'm thinking abt it rn


have yall ever thought abt dieing?

The concept of death, not the action of dying itself


me too i'm thinking abt it rn

Nahhh cmon don’t think like that

Jake ツ

Nahhh cmon don’t think like that

why not?

Cause it’s all gonna work out at some point

Jake ツ

Cause it’s all gonna work out at some point

r u sure?



r u sure?

Absolutely, and what Angel said is true, we’re all here for you

WJE community is pretty tight lmao

the only reason i thought abt is bc im holding a bottle of sleeping pills

Welp I gotta go do something with my life, homework’s kicking my ass rn but I’ll be on later probably

Don’t OD on sleepy drugs that’s how MJ died

see ya

Jake ツ

Don’t OD on sleepy drugs that’s how MJ died

i proablly wont take them

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