

mimi thought she ate when she called my INDIAN (terrorist 4.0) bestfriend a cracker like fuck SHE ATE ALL THE MF CRACKERS. LIKE OMFG U CANT BE CALLING SOMEONE A CRACKER IF THEY DONT FUCKING EXIST ANYMORE BC UR ASS ATE THEM ALL. ALSO. why is this bitch calling random ppl crackers when HER ASS IS WHITE. like can we not talk abt how shes just calling everyone the n word and this retard IS WHITE.

Comments (53)

im getting so damn sick of her

it was funny at first but god faking your own death?

who tf does that besides an attention seeking fatass furry

im still going to call her one until she gets banned

funny how i gave ethan her schools adress

she got mad at me and DM'd me her IP

and said to come fight her irl

She being as weak as she is could probably kill you in a fight, sad but true you are both soyboy estrogenized low testosterone cuckolds, PATHETIC.

and bitch ive beat a grown ass man. so if anyone can beat someones ass its ne

"she is being as weak as she is could probably kill u in a fight"

like did u have a mf stroke writing that shit?

First off, there's nothing gramatically wrong with that sentence other than some missing punctuation (casual grammar is fine since this isn't an essay or academic paper, it's a joke website on the fucking internet) second, look who the fuck is talking. I'm surprised you can even form something that even resembles sentences.

Third, " bitch ive beat a grown ass man. so if anyone can beat someones ass its ne". This has to be the most obvious lie I've ever read

more obvious then the fact that ur prolly mimi?

like fuck u think mimi is all big and strong like fuck the only way she can kill me is with her weight

and dont even talk about a essay on paper like you were the one who just sent the whole fucking dictionary to me

and bitch dont even talk about sentences when you sent THAT mf sentence

and also why do you take 5 god damn hours to type a few words?

are you munching on some bigmacs while talking?

I said mimi was a weak little girl and she could still beat your soycuck self

And no, it's the opposite. I'm not terminally online like you, retard.

You must know a lot about big macs, pizza, other processed goyslop like that that helps to turns you into the cuck you are today. Ashamed of yourself, you project those flaws of yours onto others; many such cases.

bitch maybe if u can read, i told eceryone i workout

and your acting like your the mf shit when you cant even make a mf account for urself

like ur litterally going of anonymous bc you know if you had a acc u would prolly get banned

I've been banned many times before and I don't give a fuck.

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How exactly am I a retard?

You have no answer, just baseless ad-hominem insults