

lemme just tell you what happened. MY DAD BEAT MY ASS like as soon as i stepped through them doors it was over, it was like mf mcdonalds shut down or something like he was MAD, he was bringing out the hangers again and i wasn’t bouta get beat for the SECOND TIME IN ONE DAY so i was like “what did i do wrong now” AND HIS FAT ASS WAS LIKE “i got a email from your teacher about the math test you failed” i was like oh shit and then i started telling him how i was SICK FOR LIKE A WEEK AND DIDN’T HAVE TIME TO WORRY ABOUT MATH CUZ I WAS DYING, which got him like MAD MAD like mcdonalds is getting rid of big macs kind of MAD anyways after he was done yelling at me and throwing his fucking hangers at my head, btw my elbow is now bleeding so that’s fun BUT THEN it didn’t stop their my dumbass brother shows up after i got my ass whooped and i was eating doritos and watching peppa pig and he asks “WHY ARE YOU EATING ARE YOU NOT FASTING” and that was it. that’s what it took to make me lose it, and i yelled super loud and was like “I’M ON MY PERIOD YOU FUCK” and he never talked to me about it ever again he just left AS HE SHOULD. FFS IT DOESN’T STOP THERE so I decided to yk stalk some ppl yk cuz it’s been a while and BROOOOO ALEX IS ACTUALLY ON SOME RONALD MCDONAD SHIT ASS BRUH IDK WHO THIS BITCH THINKS SHE IS, OK SO YK ME BEING THE STALKER I AM I WAS SNOOPING AROUND ON EVERYONES SOCIALS AND I WENT THROUGH SNAPCHAT AND SHIT YK NOTHING WEIRD JUST ALLANNAH POSTING SHIT THEN I WENT ON TIK TOK YK JUST TO SEE WHAT I COULD SEE, AND I WENT ON ALEX’S PAGE CUZ LIKE I WANTED TO KNOW WHAT THIS BITCH WAS UP TO RIGHT? THE AMOUNT OF CRINGE IS ACTUALLY SO BAD, LIKE MY THERAPIST IS HEARING ABT THIS BITCHES TIKTOKS OMG. OKAY FIRST THERE WAS THIS ONE TIK TOK CAPTIONED LIKE “GOING TO WORK AS A WOMAN” BUT IT WAS JUST HER WASHING THE DISHES. LIKE BITCH WE BOTH KNOW YOU HAVEN’T WORK A DAY IN YOUR LIFE WDYM? YOUR ACTING LIKE YOU KNOW WHAT ACTION THAT VERB ACTUALLY INDICATES SINCE IK DAMN WELL YOU NEVER CLEAN A DISH IN YOUR LIFE. ANYWAYS THAT’S NOT EVEN IT SHE POSTED THIS SONG LIP SYNCHING OBV CUZ HALF HER FUCKING VIDEOS ARE HER SHITTY LIP SYCHING, BUT THE SONG WAS A SAD SONG, IK EMO ASF. AND THE CAPTION WAS LIKE “Fr😔😟☹️😭💔💧😿😥😫” LIKE BITCH WDYM FR?? DID DAD SAY NO TO BUYING YOU A BRAND NEW LAMBO OR SUM? CRINGE ASF. THENNNNNNN THIS BITCH IS POSTING BOUT JOSIAH LIKE OFC, SHE’S LIKE “he calls me baby” LIKE UH CRINGE. AND BRO SHE POSTED A SONG LIP SYNCHYING AGAIN TO OLIVER TREE. SMH BRO THEIRS BILLIONS OF SONGS AND HER BLONDE ASS CHOSE OLIVER TREE. OH AND ADRIANS FAT ASS IS ACTUALLY SO CRINGE TOO HE WAS POSTING MF ANIME EDITS ON HIS YOUTUBE CHANNEL LIKE THIS FAT BTICH IS GETTING OUT OF HAND

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You and TERRORIST are the best comedy duo ever.

every day i go to school i see his hairline grow bigger and bigger just like him

i surounded by bitches i hate and fatasses

and we have gym with the pedo and the fatass

im going to make terrorist shove a bomb up ur ass

instead of you making fun of therapy you should go yourself