

Comments (188)

Yk this comes up in last commented

Shes kinda manipulating, She has a diff personality for everyone she knows so its kinda fake

Everyone's Guardian Angel

She hates physical contact but is always like holding my other friends hand in class

How you ever thought she doing it for you?

Everyone's Guardian Angel

She had been acting diffrent.

Have you asked her why?

Comment deleted by Blach66.1

Have you asked her why?

No because she said if shes uncomfortable she wont talk but if I'm upset shell make me talk..

Sit take your hands off your laptop or ipad and just breathe

Let her ask you if your ok

Then tell her how you feel

Mabye she doesn't love you


Remember, this?

Cuz that right there

Shows how it'll affect everyone who does love you

If you being honest is gonna ruin something, then it's probably already ruined

Accept the things you cannot change, have the courage to change the things you can, and have the wisdom to know the difference.

And if she doesn't love you, then you can't change it

Everyone's Guardian Angel

my heart dosent want her gone..


Your heart is one of the weakest parts of the body

They all think you should just be honest

Instead of asking me what to do

Well if it doesn't then you can always.... correct your mistakes

But I'm just gonna tell you another quote that can hopefully help you

Needs are necessity, but wants are luxury

Everyone's Guardian Angel

I couldnt live without you..


Unless I get grounded but that rarely happens

I'm reading just now and then I'm not staying up to late playing games or taking online