

Comments (72)

SCooBY dooOby DOOO

i was in the bthrom

he wsant here AGAIN

damn girl i'm sorry i would give you a hug but you know

its all good, he never herer ahahaa

we have two options dress or jeans and shirt?

dress lol, or maybe what does he like?

like what does he think you look the best in?

he likes when i'm in a dress bc he thinks it complements my figure

oh well, then do that

just dont put on 50 pounds of makeup

girl i don't wear makeup maybe just some light blush

I've been here for 4 months

bc ur my bestie no offense to kai but if you leave then who will i talk to if kai's not here ?

but people on here are werid besides you dagger and kai


just ignore them

I'll be on the other website

So my account is offically gone

plz dont leave


ima go offline