

Comments (106)

for some people.

Dagger ur statement is useless cause it doesn't make logic

Burh I no get bitches

dagger are you saying i dont have a life..?

Greetings from Hell

This is not a fucking 2D game

@linton, please stop man your making no fucking sense, and dagger is trying resolve this situation. ty dagger, for the confidence haha

What does 'WDYM' means?

dudes clearly doing this for attention

@castor I'm removing my frustration that's it

no your not πŸ˜‚ your just making it worse by being stupid.

What kind of name is @castor?

U broke ass nigga's r making me confused

Linton means Goat

Castor is my irl name and my original ACC was CASNOVA castor+astrology+nova= CASNOVA therefor, i shortened it into just my name. CASTOR

More like Pastor

im an atheist.

I hate atheists

i dont have to belive in anything.

its not REQUIRED

U should convert into Christianity burh

Comment deleted by π”‡π”žπ”€π”€π”’π”―

you can agree, but i dont have to listen. i don't have to be Christian, if I don't WANT to be.

Listen God has sent me on a mission to convert all atheists into Christianity



yeah and i dont care about Christianity. I'm not Christian anymore.

@castor ur fucking dumb people are destroying society and future generations by becoming ass hole like atheists

@Dagger leave him bro he is a a weak person

ur right. atheists are assholes. but at least we don't believe in a fictional being, that you only believe in because a man said, he is our savior, he is our lord. and you ALL believed him. if god was real if god EXISTED then atheists wouldn't EXIST. THE WORLD WOULDNT BE GOING TO SHIT, ow would it? and Im a girl. btw asshole.

@castor ur just fucking proving my point that u said "if god existed then atheists wouldn't exist" that purely fault statement and by the way how the fuck did u know that God exists or not? Useless atheists pig's.πŸ’€

okay, im done with this argument. i don't have to believe in god if I don't want to.

Irrelevant atheists

okay :thumbs up: i still dont have to believe in god if I don't want to.

@castor accept reality christ is only way of Life.

Maybe God didn't grant his wishes in lifeπŸ˜‚

when i was christian, i seeked help from him and called out for him and he never answered.

@Dagger Amen πŸ’ͺ

@castor ur back story sucks

@linton please stop. its ppl like you that make me wanna km. bc you degrade people that you consider lower than you

@castor fine just accept ur loss and believe in God

i dont want to.

you cant make me.

Call out again. This time, with all your heart. Let God know you are there and ready for answers and a new life. He doesn't always answer immediately. I could be the answer to your questions. When you called out for help when you were a Christian, God answered by sending me and Linton. He want to help you and will.

linton didnt help me at all

Dagger I agree with you boss

I'm trying- but every time i did call out, he never answered. i would wait months. he never. answered

@castor stfu yet u don't appreciate my help then u will suffer in hell.

@linton please stop.

@castor truth is irritating ur mind my Guy!

@Linton i literally just asked you to please stop.

So please stop

Comment deleted by Linton

@castor Alright bro let's be cool 🀝

@Linton Aight 🀝

@castor I follow u bro

Follow me back πŸ’ͺ

@castor if anyone bully u then tag me I will fuck that Guy πŸ’ͺ

i already did haha- see followed :> also ty man

Did u got my screen shot?

no i didnt get the screenshot

Lemme try again

All hail Amighty @Dagger