

Comments (123)

I'm so sorry, that made me laugh🤣

I’d take Dagger’s face reveal over Dream’s any day. The Chad King is superior

chad king is superior

Dream looked better, i'm sorry

There is only one chad, and he is gigachad. You are hardly a dude.

Comment deleted by Kai :)

who is hardly a dude??

and nah dagger looked better than dream, dream looks like Rumplestiltskin lol

Dagger looks like kid danny devito

And yes jake, you moron, I said EVERYONE did I not.

bahhah dude dissing himself that low man

*Sight* How stupid are you C A S?

You really don't have a brain do you. It's just a smooth surface, if anything.

im very stupid haha. and explain you mental capacity if you would?

dude prob had to look up what mental capacity was

Fake Dagger your brain is as smooth as baby skin and as small as one’s brain.

fr man prob wont respond cos he's scared

why did you make a fake account when I said I like Dagger Fake Dagger

he's not gonna respond. he's too scared

You're one to talk, little fatie.

I look at the face reveals here, and all I can do is barf. You all face reveal here because on any other website, people would tell you who you really are, but you want to run from that.

i am one to talk because I DO slay ;-;

so you really have no mental capacity at ALL

good job man haha

🤣 All I have to do is look at your face, there isn't a brain behind those fat cheeks

And yes, you are an ugly bitch

at least i show my real face 🙄

You say I don't have the balls to show my face, no, i'm just not stupid like the rest of you.

you didnt even show yours so you have no room to talk


Tell me ONE benifit of showing your face.

You apparently think showing your face to people you dont know is a good thing.

Kind of shows your personality, huh?

does it sound like I care tho? i don't. you done even have the balls to show your own face, thus, you cant be talking, you pompous bitch

your porb a 30 year old fat bitch who sits on his ass all day

*sigh* and who's on here all day everyday?

I mean, looks like you post at least 10 times a day.

Who's the lazy bitch now?

Fake Dagger go swallow rust, I’m sick of you acting like this.

And, you literally keep saying that I don't have the balls to show my face, is that like, the only insult you know?

Cas don’t listen to him, none of what he said is true

yet here you are arguing with a 14-year-old. pretty petty if you ask me. also you say *sigh* which kinda is a little bit- weird Dontcha think?

i have insults down the wazoo man.

Y’know what why don’t you show your face and we’ll have a lot more to insult you about?

Stop lying, there is no way a 14 year old looks like that.

oh im so sorry i have an eating dissorder

And you act like you are, Faker.

so im maybe a little chubby

No you’re not, don’t think that Cas.

You guys really just grasp at straws, the only thing you want is me to show my face, but why should I listen to kids that aren't thinking right?

no lol i am and im perfectly fine with it too. I'm beautiful man. idc what this little shithead has to say tbh

oh so you are an adult?

We’re not grasping at straws man, you’re the one doing that. We’re just sick of it, so shut up.

Well, I found out who fake dagger is.

Get off your phone, josh, you little shithead

Anyone can be named josh.

clearly. figured that out immiedietly haha

Sorry, you need to me to say your full name, Josh hendricks?

Indeed, are you seriously cyber bullying rn?

Ha, just because you know me doesn't mean you know where I live

get doxxed dude lmao fr dude cyber bullying rn. what a waste of your time man

You live in saint george man.

Starting to lose ya grammer, r u?

Shut up, you ugly queer, you look like james charles and danny devito combined

you really mention danny devito a lot

you literally only insult ppl with danny devito

I found your photo buddy.

@FAKEdagger like only someone like you can be this petty

He's the third guy on the left.

What the fuck chris how did you get that!

Sounds like a skill issue Josh

Change in the mood, see, did you know I was on here and tried to cat fish me or something?

Bro Bamer your Chadness is over 9000 rn

L + ratio bozo josh

Like you just swooped in here and immediately owned this guy

A little quiet, aren't you?

I know this guy, he was on a discord server.

he's gone man. you scared him away lmfao

I don't know HOW he got on, or why, but I know who he is for sure.

Yo Chris, Josh was on here?

Who is this?

Wait, redhead don?


You told us the joke website you found the jokes on.

Oooooooohhhhhhhhh, wait, OMG i'm so sorry C A S, Josh wouldn't know about this if I didn't tell the discord about it! I'm SOOOOO SORRY

So don, josh saw the post i'm assuming?

Idk, he probably did, I don't know how else he could have gone on

Ok, anyone else wondering why he's not responding back?

he got scared and abstained

Is he just going to be silent or something

WHERE ARE YOU, YOU DUMB SHITBAG?! SHOW YOURSELF SO WE CSN TALK ABOUT IT MAN TO MAN. Or maybe man to stupid ass pussy. You retarded piece of motherfucking shit you have no right to insult me and my friends you don’t have the right to ruin people’s days like this go fuck yourself and throw yourself into an active volcano.

He did a face reveal? What!!?!??


He did a face reveal? What!!?!??

Apple, this post ONE YEAR old