

Comments (4)

I’ll be the first to use it. Hailey, I know this is more of a personal thing, and I saw you deleted your comment on the other post, so I will happily respect your wishes if you don’t want to talk about it, I’ll even delete this comment if you want. I’ve had suicide prevention stuff shoved down my throat for the past 3 years, and while I thought it was pretty dumb the whole time, I’ve had to put it to use multiple times within the last few months. I’ve come to discover that those close to me struggle with these things, and it’s become important to me that I’m always there for these people. I know I wasn’t really a part of that conversation, and I know I’m just some random kid on the internet, but if you ever need to talk, I’m always here. Just wanted to let you know.

yea, jake ur right every thing you just said is so true have a greatday