

Comments (39)

He had a reck on the way back from tenasee

That's two in one month isn't it?

Man, it should've been him in the coma.

Hope he got arrested

He's in jail for attempted man slotter

Oh ok, is it bad I have emo friends?

the slave state of Missouri. White friends of the Scotts urged them to sue for their freedom. The Scotts decided to do so, believing that their residence in free territory had made them free. Dred Scott’s case led to a landmark U.S. Supreme Court ruling.

Growing National Divisions Slavery was one of the issues that divided the nation along sectional, or regional, lines. The North’s population was growing as immigrants came to work in its factories. In contrast to the North’s increasingly industrial economy, the South’s agricultural economy was dominated by slave-based cotton production. Sectionalism was the result of growing economic and social differences between the North and the South. For example, the North wanted tariffs to protect its industries, while the South opposed tariffs because they increased the cost of imported items. During the tariff dispute, some southerners argued that states had a right to ignore tariffs and other federal laws. Under this states’ rights argument, state power was greater than federal power. As the United States expanded westward, Congress debated whether territories would enter the Union as free or slave states. This would affect the balance of power in Congress. After much debate, Texas

Key Terms • states’ rights • Kansas-Nebraska Act • Dred Scott decision • secede • Unionists • Confederate States of America • sovereignty

Main Ideas 1. The United States divided along sectional lines because of regional economic differences. 2. Many Texans supported secession because of states’ rights. 1

I've tried so many times lol