

Comments (17)

leyla you a catfish, your last profile pic was a different person LOL

I don't have a mom

we dont care

@Gwen, dude I update my profile everytime. Btw your not the real Gwen lol πŸ˜‚πŸ₯΄. STFU

Again with this? Be nice forsakes.

lol,idk if its a fake gwen or not but I agree she had a different women last time

@graciela, it litterally me dude stfu. Do you not understand what selfie is?

Big it’s cock 🀀🀀

whats the big deal? its just a more recent picture. now yall quit bc your feeling withdrawls from her not wantin to fuck ya

@lonely boi- Amen.

just trying to help! this is a dark joke website-.- not a dating site, not a site to be an asshole to everyone,

like fuck man then again... WHAT does it matter if that WASNT her? is it bc the picture doesn't suit your PleAsUrE nEeDs?

lol agreed. Jealousy in the site

lol damn i mean likeXD im perverted as hell to whatever girl im dating but DAMN chillaxe