What do guns and gum have in common?... when you pull one out, everyone wants ta be your friend.
welcome to hell
I like video games, books, and writing. (Drawing too I guess) I’m simple. I’m quiet. I have a lot of jokes to tell. And I fucking love to call people names.
What do you get when you cross a snowman and a vampire?....... Frostbite.
I walk into a bar. There was a line of people waiting to punch me. Yup. That was the punch line.
If you get a new bed, you have more bedroom, but less bedroom.
Why did the guitar teacher get arrested? For fingering the minor.
What does a rubix cube and a penis have in common? The more you play with it, the harder it gets.
Jimmy: why did the chicken cross the road? Joe:why? Jimmy: to get to the idiot’s house Jimmy: knock knock Joe:who’s there Jimmy: it’s the chicken
What’s the difference between a snowMAN and a snowWOMAN?