
Imagine not being a target at your school by teachers all because of one suspension. Could never be me.
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Anyone happy that they didn't get into a relationship with someone that they liked, just to find out from your best friend aka their cousin that they already had a gf and was planning to cheat on them just to see how it felt. I found out about this today after knowing the kid for about 4 months.

I wanna cry and die at the same time. And I still have his phone number but he won't answer when I call because his phone is a house phone so I can't text him. Do you guys have any suggestions?

My 3rd hour class keeps getting into fights with the teacher and their in a fight now.


Anyone else like someone but know they don't like you because they go on your YT channel and they only go on the videos that you look the worst that you have that entire day. Because if so same.