
Left because of a single person. She can go fuck herself. She knows who she is.
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Dude if I weren't the youngest child in my family I would probably have a younger sibling that needs more mental help then me.

They would be coming home saying: Younger sibling: I'm home! Parents: Hey sweetie how was school? Younger sibling:Terrible. I want to jump everyone at school. Parents: YOUR ONLY IN 3RD GRADE! DID YOU LEARN THIS FROM YOUR SISTER?!?!?! Younger sibling:Yeah.. Parents: Ok. MIA GET YOUR ASS OVE… Read more

2 songs you guys should listen to that I love.

Angels & Demons by jxdn

Angels & Demons part 2 by jxdn.

Why do I always have to cry at school events??? 1st time was at a dance and yesterday it was a football game

Dude what happened to feeling bad for 9/11??

Also my choir teacher started to cry when talking about his experience with 9/11.

Nah dude why are girls (aka me and other girls I know) just built different when they're on their periods? Because we can be having a normal conversation then someone says something that I don't like then I start to yell at them and then I cry then I just need food and sleep. Like I will go from laughing with you to a whole new person.

(By the way this just came to my mind because its happening to me so that's just fun.)