
Left because of a single person. She can go fuck herself. She knows who she is.
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Is it bad that when i'm at my mom's house the upstairs bathroom is my safe place? I will sit on a pillow with the door shut and locked with the lights turned off and I will listen to music at full volume to just get away from everything...

Dude class only started maybe 4-5 minutes ago and the assistant teacher and a few kids have already had an argument.

I get to skip the last 5 ish minutes of my social studies class, all of my design and modeling class, and about 5 minutes of my math class. I'm happy now.

I have a math test next hour (At 1:13) and I didn't study. I'm gonna fail my classssss.........

I fell asleep yesterday during Ela aka the class i'm in right now and I feel like I'm going to fall asleep again. Help. How do I stay awake???

GUYS TOMORROW IS ME AND MY GIRLFRIENDS ONE MONTH ANNIVERSARY!!!!!! (And yes i'm a girl and if you don't like that then go fuck yourself because I don't give a fuck about what you think.)

My friend threw my bookbag on the ground and now I have a loner chromebook for a while, while my Chromebook is getting fixed....

Is it just me that when my computer battery is at 6% it's fine, BUT WHEN THE MF HITS 5% I NEED TO FIND A FREAKING CHARGER OR ALL HELL GOING TO BREAK LOOSE

Bruhhh Netflix is blocked on my computer till like 5:00 and i'm boredddddddddddddddddddddddddddd

A few weeks ago my grandma called her puppy named Pickles a terrorist. I think the puppy committed 9/11.