Everyone's Guardian Angel😇

Im here to talk to, vent to, rant to. If you are rude I will not care. I will try to help and protect you all
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Some advice for you all <3 If someone cheats on you, leave them, let them go. You may be in love, but they do not deserve a second chance. Some people are addicted to vapes, some are addicted to weed, some alcohol, and any type of drugs. For some cheating is like A drug, don't give them another chance. The more chances you give them the more likely they are to do it again because they always expect another chance.

A bodybuilder won't judge you for working out, A millionaire won't judge you for starting a business, A football player won't judge you for playing ball, It's always the low-life losers that have something to say.

Lament my loss, my labour, and my pain, All ye that hear my woeful plaint and cry. If ever man might once your heart constrain To pity words of right, it should be I That since the time that youth in me did reign My pleasant years to bondage did apply, Which, as it was, I purpose to declare Whereby my friends hereafter may be ware ...