one of kai :) 's many alt accs
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ill let you guys know what happens between me and my crush after school today.

I'm so fucking nervous holy shit

Hey im, sorta new here- so can I ask a question?: Why is it so toxic here? People are entitled to their owns opinions about things and it is better to keep your trap shut than to cause drama.

No offense do be all "WeLL aCtuALLy-" I dont want any of that shit today^^

Can u guys give me advice for my crush? i gave him a note saying I liked him yesterday-

and HE SMILED- IDK WHAT THAT MEANS- what do u think he will say? AND WhAT SHOULD I DO?!

Follow me if u wanna chat heres a lil link for ya if ya wanna dm me https://carny-s-uwu-crew.mn.co/share/LDUTRMGnnf11TJdd?utm_source=manual my name casnova so ya