What do you call flat-chested emo? A cutting board
What’s the difference between depression and your ex?
Depression fucks you harder.
What do you call a room full of disabled people with epilepsy?
A seizure salad.
What do you call an army of disabled people?
Special forces.
What happens when a furry takes over nazi germany? The Furred reich
I dated a furry once.
The relationship didn't work out, she was a cheetah.
What do furries and fast food lovers have in common? They both love hot dogs.
Justice for all!
My Chinese friend died recently, So Yung.
Why do orphans suck at web design? They don’t know what a home page is.
What is the worst thing your sibling can steal from you?
Your virginity.
How do you know if you’ve walked into a sex addicts' counselling session?
The psychologist will thank you for coming.
What do Americans and stars have in common?
They both love shooting up.
What do 15-year-old boys and washing machines have in common? They both like keeping one sock for themselves
Why do men find it so difficult to solve puzzles after taking Viagra? Because they just keep getting harder and harder
What is my favorite thing about my grandpa? His life insurance