

Ok I'm so sorry ALYA, and Drew I didn't mean to say that you guys were stupid and cringy. I missed typed can you guys forgive me by any chance? I'm so sorry :(

Hey guys how was ur day? If you ask me the same question heres the answer, depressing. I still haven't made any friends on this app. All I do is read and comment on old, D.K, freshfry, ALYA's "Jokes" or opinions.

ok guys quick update, what is going on with freshfry, Drew, and ALYA? all there doing is fighting and I want to put an end to it. So freshfry, Drew and ALYA all need to read this ok. First freshfry you should of just said ok the first thing he said, and Drew... really? you had to keep egging him on. I don't know about ALYA but its like cats and dogs fighting. Just pls stop fighting:(

Hello if you don't know me (Which you probably don't) my Name is watersharky or ws or Shark. I am a normal weird kid\preteen and that's it. If you want more info on me I will gladly share! Shark out.

Comment on this if you are some what like me. Depressed, Single, Gay, and acts like your not burning inside.

Ok I love reading freshfry's conversations with random people. I love the ones were he has a full blown talking battle. I personally like reading them and I love reading them on my chrome book while I play Call a Duty and Fortnite on my Xbox. If you guys out there like reading freshfry's conversations with random people just comment and tell me. Talk to you guys later watersharky out.