

why is it annoying to eat by basket ball players? because they dribble all the time.

i remember last year all these biches called me lame so i stoped the simping and pretended i was gay, now i think theyre all fucking with me. im an L G B T Q imposter got cut last year know ive made the roster and you may think im a monester. im just just tryna see some titties.

My cousin died last week he needed a blood transfusion but we didnt know his blood type he just kept saying “b positive b positive” but its hard to be positive with him gone.

my dog went threw my bathroom garbage and for some reason my sister put a bunch of ketchup packets in there...

stop with the emojis they kinda just make the joke cringy for example: how many ppl 🤷🤷🤷🤷🤷🤷🤷🤷 does it take to have 🥒🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑???? well it takes at least 1 🤷 and 1 👰 and they make a perfect ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤. see how cringy it is im mean sure its a dumn example but still just at least less emojis

yall catch me up wuts going on on this website bcuz i havnt been on fr like 2 weeks