

Why Do Orphans Bully People

Because They Cant Get Suspended

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What's the difference between an escaped prisoner and an orphan?

Only one is wanted.

What is an orphan's least favorite movie

Spider-Man, Because it told them there was no way home

You know those paper families you cut out? Well I put one of those in an orphanage.

If you have anger problems hit an Orphan bc who they going to tell not their parents

Why am I so successful,?

When I was told to go big or go home, I only had one option..

Helicopter, Helicopter Kobe Bryant in my chopper Sitting next to burning daughter Lots of smoke and little laughter

Why does the orphan kid eat cereal with water? Because his dad hasn’t come back with the milk yet.

Whats the difference between a apple and a orphan?

At least one of them gets picked.

Why do orphans always get an iPhone X?

Because it doesn’t have a home button

what do orphans do after they win a game? Nothing they have no one to play games with.

Why cant orphans play baseball? Because they can never get a home run.😭

Why can’t orphans eat cereal with milk? Cause mummy never gave them some

Why do orphans like monopoly: To cry about the money they can’t earn in real life