

How do you stay warm in a cold room?

You go to the corners. It's always 90 degrees

Jack and jill went up the hill to have a little fun jack got mad kicked jill in the ass because she couldn't make him cum

Joker gives batman a phone thomas:uhh son we need to talk... about the uhh dressing up. martha:hello dearie brucie is it ok if you visit me when you go to jokers house

Q:Why did the Koala Fall off the tree A:because it was dead Q:Why did the second Koala fall off the tree A:Because it was hit by the first Koala Q:Why did the third Koala fall off the tree A:Because it thought it was a game and joined in


Your hairs line goes so far back that cars on a highway don't know wich Way to turn.

You: Bro, this school picture is soooo ugly!! (Points to yours) Me: Bruh, you just typed up mirror!

One time uma thurman was poison ivy she was weird in that except for her punny jokes

Joe mama so fat I took a picture of her last year and it’s still printing

What’s the difference between an apple and an orphan? The apple has a family tree

What did the trafic light say to the other?

🚦🚥🚦 Stop looking, I'm changing 😂🤣😂🤣😂😅😆

What did one orphan say to the other orphan

Get in the bat mobile robin

Why did the cops come over .

Because parents had kids in there basement.

Uma thurman in pulp fiction was very kind and possibly the sweetest character unless you count her forehead as of now

Your hairs line is so long that sometimes even the president doesn't know where it ends.