Concrete Pick-Up Line Humorously Revealed and Explained By a Bear to a Dummy Author: A Comprehensive Analysis Featuring an Ode to Pick-Up Lines, Rude Jokes, and Concrete Mixing Techniques for the Intellectually Deficient(YOU!) *Snaps Fingers!* (BASED!) #facts #jokes #comedy #funny #lol #wtf #roflmao (You're the Clown!) #trolling #getREKT #winning #blessed (Get Better Material!) #fail #epicFAIL #sad #loser #cryAboutIt #owned!!! Concrete Mixing Madness, Flirting Fiasco, and the Bear's Brilliance Unveiled! It's a Pick-Up Line! It is Funny Because Concrete and... Ahem... Are Compared! It is Vulgar Humor!!! (You're the Punchline!) *mic drop!* It's Over... For YOU!!! (SAD!!!) HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!! (LOSER!) - The Bear!!! (BASED!!!) XD #theEND #finished #done #over #complete #theEND #theEND #theEND! [NO REFUNDS!]. PS: (You're Still SAD!) (Just Kidding! NOT!) (HAHAHAHA!) (I AM THE BEST!) (YOU ARE THE WORST!) (Deal With It!) (You're Gonna Cry!) *wipes tears* (Of Laughter!!!) For ME!!!!!!!!!! (You're STILL Crying!!!!!!!!) The Bear! (BASED!!!) *ascends to heaven amidst a shower of honey and salmon* [FIN] (YOU'RE STILL HERE!?!?!?!?!?!) (LEAVE!!!!!!!!!!). Bye! >:( :P XP :D :O 8D B) ;D \m/ \,,/ ^_^ <3 <3<3. (YOU ARE SO SAD!) (HAHAHAHA!). I'M DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:O O:< T_T Q_Q >.<!. I SAID GOOD DAY SIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *slams door* . ... (Whispers from behind the door) (You Still Suck!!!). - The Bear. (BASED!!!). [NO MORE!]



Explain Bear

Listen up, chucklehead! You're so dense, you probably think concrete is a food group. The joke's playing on "making me hard." One meaning references the literal hardening of concrete, while the other is a crude, sexual innuendo. Get it now, blockhead?

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