
Ok,ok who is trying to be my "long lost brother" because last time i checked I didn't have any sisters or brothers so stop trying to steal my fame from me and give up a lot of other people already know u are fake so get off this website OR JUST STOP!!!

Comments (25)

See ill put my birth date and my family date on the chat see look

Relatives-Bradley Shark Lewis. Born-Sep, 13 2006- Kids in Lewis Family-Only One-Bradley Shark Lewis.

So after you got born I got born after but then the nurse took me out and then my parents forgot me there and only took you so then, I had to grow up in the street but then I worked for a millionaire and I took some of his money and now I bought a house and got a new job.

and MY parents names? if u dont know then u arent my "lost brother"

I forgot our parents name because they forgot about me. SIMPLE AS THAT

lol no one in my family's name is Isac lol

Fine im lying but dont say nothing

how about u u son a bitch from hell who want my fame