
One day there was a boy who needed the toilet. So he goes to his teacher and asks if he can go to the toilet. The teacher says "yes but before you go what is the first 3 letters in the alphabet?" The boy replies " I don't know miss.... The teacher says that he will have to wait. Later the boy goes home to his mom that is on the phone. What is the first letter in the alphabet? His mom says "Oh shut up! So the boy goes to his dad that is playing darts and says "what is the second letter in the alphabet? His dad says "180"! So the boy goes to his sister who is playing with her Barbies. The boy asks "what is the 3rd letter in the alphabet"? The sister says " I'm a Barbie girl in a barbie world"! The next day the boy goes to school and needs the toilet again so he goes to ask if he can go and the teacher says " yes but before you go what is the 3 letters in the alphabet"? They boy says " oh shut up"! The teacher is angry about that so she says "what is the second one"? "180"! Says the boy and the teacher asks him where he is from and the boy says " I'm a barbie girl in a barbie world!"

The end


Comments (5)

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No. No comment for you. Just kidding, I clearly just left a comment. Please leave a comment on the joke that talks about the movie Constapation that hasn’t come out yet. If you click on latest, it should be near there. Jake From State Farm wrote it. The comments in that joke are hilarious and crazy. Also, your joke doesn’t make sense that much, no offense. When you comment on the joke I spoke of earlier, explain this joke to me, please. Thanks!

This joke is so stupid!!! I don’t understand it!!!

You totally ruined this joke. The correct versions are OTHER places in this Thread.