

Comments (3)

What the heck kind of joke is this, pardon my french. You must be really stoopid and lef ur chromies with ur homies. I bet ur pepe small. you masoganistic pice of shet. Sorry, my mommy said i need to be nicer to special needs people, but ur pepe still small.

Ye im wit the person who is not me commenting on my comment on my post. You are inconsiderate about the fact that there are starving kids in africa who really need 39 cents a day. this hurts me becuz it hurts the starving kids. ur as good as a gay guy is straight, and i can say that because im a sosiel gustese werier. and i hev mor rite den u ye small pepe

Ты хорошая машина-шутка, мой муж. Эти американцы глупы и заслуживают того, чтобы быть в своем собственном безопасном месте, чтобы они не могли заботиться о родине. Кроме того, ваша пепия маленькая, просто изменена.