

ok what the fuck is going on people coming from fucking bp and now a Germany site holy shit?

Comments (16)

the bp shit is over. the mass migration has ended. the german people are usually chill.

Cosmo the lnterntobe

the bp shit is over. the mass migration has ended. the german people are usually chill.


Cosmo the lnterntobe

the bp shit is over. the mass migration has ended. the german people are usually chill.

well, on wje. But when the germans are in the german site... (BURN THE FURRIES)

So, people from Sw come to WJE, but also people from WJE come to Sw.

that's true too, but our migrations to sw are much smaller are shorter

Cosmo the lnterntobe

well, on wje. But when the germans are in the german site... (BURN THE FURRIES)

I'm not one

but tbh, i don't really mind the furries. I mean, I'm chill with bevo.


So, people from Sw come to WJE, but also people from WJE come to Sw.

I'm not one ether