

I think I might be leaving summer, well.. I'll be on maybe during the weekends. God idk. just know I love and appreciate y'all sm. I've went through a lot and had almost every single one of you there for me. I do have some HUGE opps on this site, but that doesn't matter. People like, Madi, Jasmin, Nat, Iws, Leo, Eli <3, toast, and Cosmo (ik you wont see) I cant help but love y'all with all my heart. This summer is going to be hard for me so I might not even be able to make it on, I'm sorry.. No one quit, I'd hate to come on and everyone gone. A big fear of mine is this site being ghosted, and I give up people coming online then I end up randomly remembering it and coming on many years later, with only one person left online (daily dumbass) and then, he becomes my best friend.. That was a nightmare I had. Madi you have helped me with so much, I really wish you a happy birthday. Jasmin, I've known you longer then anyone here, I love you so much <3 (wishing Conner best of luck) oh guys also I'm Conner, JAsmin is single <3 , Ethan, you've been on this site for me sense day one, you mean a lot and it means a lot you are still putting up with me. Nat, you kept me in tact, I'm surprised you still talk to me, Leo, you always are so nice, and its amazing how you ignored for so long what you hated just to not start shit. Eli, I'm surprised I met you off of here but I'm really, really happy I did. Ilysm. Cosmo, I know you wont see this but I'll admit to you that I'm a geek err, ILLL definitely miss you.. I wasn't expecting to leave, but this summer isn't going to be.. the good kind. If I can be on evern, my internet will get cut at 2:07, and my dad might turn in my chromebook today (perks of getting expelled) I really love you all, so much.. Ill definitely be more active (if WJE isn't blocked) on my new chromebook (praying it isnt) Have a nice summer.

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