


In youth's tender bloom, we start to rise, Through days of innocence, under azure skies. With every step, a world anew we meet, As time unfurls its tapestry complete.

In childhood's grasp, we danced with glee, Through fields of dreams, wild and free. Each moment a treasure, each laughter a song, In the symphony of innocence, we belong.

Yet as seasons change, so too do we, From buds of youth to branches free. Through trials and triumphs, we learn to stand, Navigating the vastness of life's grand expanse.

With each passing year, a new chapter unfolds, As we gather wisdom, as the story molds. From playgrounds to pathways, we roam and explore, Discovering the depths of what life has in store.

Though shadows may linger, and doubts may arise, We find strength in the journey, beneath the skies. For growing up is not just a measure of time, But a blossoming of the soul, a rhythm sublime.

So let us embrace the journey, as we grow, With courage as our compass, and dreams aglow. For in the tapestry of life, each thread we weave, A testament to the beauty of the souls we achieve.

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