

Comments (211)

How are you I am of good

Played baseball for some good swings and stuff

Getting a lot better ngl

Missed you too! How is everyone today

Hallo scooter wie geht ist dir

Oh yea he was talking about that with me some time earlier

He bascially admited to not caring about me and payed more attention to his friends and said he liked me cause I liked me

Oh I just asked how is your day going schooner scortet I mean

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everyone is dumb including me

No 🥨 I mean no problem

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Yeah no that’s just a little bit irresponsible

Cuz one it’s kinda hard to live on your own and lay enforcement can track you down and stuff

Why do u need to get out tho?




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and i found out my sister may kill herself any day and I cant see her graduate..

Well that’s not good

Yknow I felt the same way with mine

Well don’t because in a nutshell you’re just gonna be putting yourself and others into more trouble

Missed you too! School has been a lil bit wonky for me

I’ll try to get on more tbh

No no no no no no no do not say you got kidnapped they’re just gonna question you and you’re gonna envelop yourself in more and more lies

Yum Myan

No no no no no no no do not say you got kidnapped they’re just gonna question you and you’re gonna envelop yourself in more and more lies

Ill js break down saying i wanna go home and its much stress rn

I’m sure you have it ALL planned but psychologically it’s literally inevitable that you’re gonna go back as humans depend on civilization. BUT EVEN OVERLOOKING THAT.. You already know that I trust you with my life. If You told me to rob a back to save the world I probably wouldn’t even think twice. So yknow what? I KNOW you’re gonna make the right and best decision for you and everyone that loves and cares about you. I trust you. Ok?

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im sorry gus..

“Life is like dust, no longer complicated.”

I’m really glad that at least one person in this world values my trust.

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are u still leaving?

Well, whenever I’ve gone to school, I’ve always tried to be as nice as I can. That seems like a good thing to do, right? I was nice to everyone. Managed to make a few friends or so. I trusted a lotta people. A lotta people until they decided that maybe it wasn’t very cool to do so anymore. And it hurt. I don’t trust anyone anymore really, except for you. Charlie I don’t care about those people anymore. I care that for the first time, I’ve been able to entrust someone in not only myself, but their safety as well. It’s the right thing to do because I know that you’re a good person with a bright future, whether it’s apparent right now or not.

Charlie, I’m grateful for you. Without you maybe I wouldn’t be nice to a lotta people that aren’t so nice to me.

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Gus yk me, then you should know I don't wanna leave but part of me still dose and you are like the only person who knows how to talk to that part.

I do too (as A friend too)

Ok, es tut mir leid. I love you a lot too (as a friend) 😌

˗ˏ 𝑀𝒶𝓎 ➴ ˊ˗

Gus yk me, then you should know I don't wanna leave but part of me still dose and you are like the only person who knows how to talk to that part.

Now ^

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Gus yk me, then you should know I don't wanna leave but part of me still dose and you are like the only person who knows how to talk to that part.

Well I want YOU to know two things: for the part that doesn’t wanna go, please keep the other part from going with fond memories. If it’s not right to go, then don’t do it please. And for that part that wants to go, I want you to know that people will be affected by this, especially people like me, your friends, and even your family members. You matter. All of yourself matters to so many people.

Yum Myan

Well I want YOU to know two things: for the part that doesn’t wanna go, please keep the other part from going with fond memories. If it’s not right to go, then don’t do it please. And for that part that wants to go, I want you to know that people will be affected by this, especially people like me, your friends, and even your family members. You matter. All of yourself matters to so many people.

I mean im alot happier cause tbh aaden makes me feel a lot stronger than even poltergest nd I had u log into my acc to tell him I loved him b4 and I have amazing friends and once I get home I got more online I just think I was going insnae cause my hasn't been taking me and I've been wanting to talk to u tunrer nd Drxxle or whatever his name is

Thank you so much for doing the right thing.




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Then ill make it 7 >:)

lol thanks 😌👍

i cant scooter i have to get in the shower

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Lol yea Ik I have access to ur discord acct

Please hook it up to a new email for me cause I'm not friends with dom no mo and she deleted the email

Oh ok I’ll try but if she deleted the email I’ll have to like do something

Alr I’ll see what I can do

What was the email again?

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How much has fletcher been talking to u?

A pretty good amount tbh he ventilating as do I

I’m a call with TYLAAA

He bored cuz his family getting covid

Yes human tasty real

but dog taste better

I wouldn’t say so he’s kinda chill

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